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Healthy Planet

Supporting your Net Zero Journey

Underpinning our business ethics is our commitment to quality and environmental sustainability throughout our entire supply network. Saving energy and resources forms part of our wider low carbon strategy and contributes to a sustainable business and service model. As does raising awareness of the importance of using energy efficiently. We recognise that achieving environmental sustainability comes at a cost to our business. But the overall benefit to the environment is substantial. That is why we continually seek new initiatives that further reduce the overall footprint generated by our business-related activities.

What do we expect from our suppliers?

The environmental focus of our supply chain is critical. We work closely with all partners to ensure they have ongoing programmes and initiatives. And we give priority to suppliers who work above the minimum required industry certification FISP (Furniture Industry Sustainability Programme). As we seek to continually improve our levels of sustainability we even take this one step further and actively pursue working closely with the providers of our business partners. This enables us to invest in environmental sustainability programmes that reduce negative impact on the environment.

What do our business and our staff contribute to the bigger picture?

Our Assessment, delivery, installation and training services cover the entire UK, including the Scottish Highlands and Northern Ireland as well as The Republic of Ireland, Isle of Wight, Isle of Man and the Channel Islands. To reduce our carbon footprint weoperate a hybrid or low emission vehicle fleet, discourage delivery in city centres around rush hourreduce environmental impact caused by congestion andutilise route planning software providing an efficient service with reduced environmental impact.

For multi-site contracts including remote and off-shore addresses, we aim to consolidate transport-related consignments for low priority ergonomics. All our own subcontractors are chosen for their green initiatives.

Our assessors and trainers within large cities, including London, use public transport for customer visits.

We have installed 180 solar roof panels to our factory roof to use energy from the sun. And we operate energy efficient lighting to balance our carbon footprint. We hold ISO9001 and ISO14001 accreditation with zero non-conformances and monitor our carbon emissions and annually offset these via the World Land Trust.

Teaming with Partners to extend product life-cycles

We seek every opportunity to extend the life-cycle of products and materials. We work and partner with waste management providers and furniture re-use specialists on innovative schemes, identifying alternative re-furbish, re-use, re-purpose, up-cycle and down-cycle schemes for furniture.

Peace of mind for Consumers

As part of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, Great Britain as a whole country committed to reaching net zero emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases by 2050. We strongly believe that every business is responsible for making a contribution to this target, no matter how large or small.

We seriously undertake our corporate responsibility regarding social, ethical, environmental and sustainable practices. To us, this is not just a tick box exercise. We strongly believe we have a responsibility, as an ethical business entity, to reduce any negative impact our activities may have and positively impact where we can for the betterment of the community.

Climate change, dwindling energy resources and the impact on the environment are of key concern. We want to demonstrate a commitment to the global environment by focussing our business operations on actions that make a significant but also immediate contribution in allowing us to support reinvestment in the environment whilst saving cost at the same time.

Our customers can trust that we only source products from suppliers that truly respect the environment from their manufacture right through to their destination. And who control the product life cycle throughout their entire value chain, from choice of materials to product end of life.

What our cusomers say

"A good training course that had a good pace throughout and was very informative."

NE  of Bristol on the One Day DSE Assessor  course


"Really enjoyed input & found it very useful for my role as a physiotherapist in offering advice to clients. Thank you."

ATHof Dorset on the Do you want to be an assessor? course

"My multifunctional job requires me to frequently change between activities. It has been a great help not having to both twist my body or neck each time I need to make notes or having to re-arrange my desk in order to accommodate the different tasks. The simplicity of operating the device ensures I use it properly all the time and being tall it has helped considerably with alleviating my constant neck pain. I would not want to be without this item."

Anonymous on the FlexDesk 630N
