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Instagram Nightmares Part Two – The Worst Desk Set-Ups Online

  • 2 min read

We’re continuing our series on Instagram nightmares – workspaces you see online which are easy on the eye, but don’t function properly and can actually cause lasting damage. This workspace below has some good qualities to it, but as ergonomics specialists, we look beneath the surface at how it could be improved.

If you are a business owner, it’s worth noting that there’s a legal responsibility to ensure staff are fully supported with their office equipment, whether that be in the workplace or at home. Most employers have been neglecting their DSE assessment over the last two years but we offer courses here: After all, a happy workforce is a more productive one.

The workspace in question...


Who wants to sit on a wooden chair all day!?

We have a big problem with this chair. It’s unsuitable for use over a typical 8-hour working day, isn’t adjustable and doesn’t provide the correct support. It’s not evident whether this is height adjustable, but regardless of this, a good office chair should also have an adjustable back support to suit your natural posture and should not cause any back or neck issues after long periods of sitting.

And who wants to sit on wood all day?! We’d suggest a foam seat... not just for postural reasons, but because a proper padded seat will be far more comfortable!

The best chair in such a setting would be a proper office chair which checks all the correct posture boxes. You can find such examples of chairs here.

Wrong screen height level

Take a look at the position of the screen. Still assuming the chair isn’t adjustable, you’ll spend all day looking up to the heavens whenever you’re working at your desk. Your eyes need to be level with the top of the screen (or just above) to promote good posture. This helps to keep with your spine in a neutral position, your neck upright with less pressure on your lower back.

Again, an ergonomic chair is the best solution to this, and a proper stand (with keyboard and mouse) if you’re using a laptop: 

In the right light

One good thing we can say about this office is the good use of natural light. Every office setup should be brightly lit to improve concentration. Exposure to natural light can improve concentration and short-term memory, which in turn leads to obvious performance benefits and better efficiency. One further tip here, though: the best screen position is at right angles to any window. This optimises the light benefit whilst minimising any reflection on the screen.

On the other hand, when working in the evenings, the one dim desk lamp makes this unsuitable especially during the winter months. When natural light from outside isn’t enough, you’ll find brighter lamps to work for you here.

It’s very important that your office setup is correct to promote a healthy body and mind, which in turn helps you to work better. At Osmond Ergonomics, we create the perfect office setup for you and advise you according to your needs. Let’s get your mind and body to work right with the perfect office setup. Get in touch by calling 0345 345 0898 oremail

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