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The Cell

  • 2 min read

Thinking about new desks? Here’s a new way to go, or should that be a new way to grow?

We’ve seen the office desk develop over the years, from single desks and cubicles, to banks of desks and bench-style layouts, but here is an alternative concept in desk design which we’re particularly excited about – The Cell by Dynamobel.

Just as the desks of the past were a product of the hierarchical ‘command and control’ organising systems of the businesses in which they served, so too does this new desk design reflect and support the prevailing business model – a modern way of working, fuelled by collaboration and shared ideas.

The first thing to say about these desks is that they’re not rectangular. They’re not square or round either, but a trapezium shape that forms a hexagonal ‘cell’ designed to maximise workspace efficiency and support collaboration and communications within and between teams.

Each cell offers ample working space for three people but, thanks to the clever shape, can easily accommodate up to three more ‘floating’ workers or impromptu guests.

Central to the whole concept is the ability to connect and combine individual ‘cells’ into ‘molecules’ as teams grow and expand - if that’s not stretching the organic metaphor too far!

The Cell has been designed with hybrid working in mind, recognising each worker as an individual, just as likely to work alone as in collaboration and connection with others, and moving between remote and office-based working.

The Cell by Dynamobel also includes a range of meeting tables and multifunctional auxiliary pedestals to customise each set-up further. It works in combination with the Viva Alcoba range, allowing for the addition of screened booths of varying sizes to provide more intimate spaces for meetings or conversations.

The range is further enhanced by the numerous aesthetic options allowing choices of wood or metal legs in numerous colours plus a variety of top and edge detail finishes. There is even a sit-stand version with each top independently height adjustable via electric control. Power management and monitor arms can easily be incorporated as needed.

As if all of this was not enough, Dynamobel is very proud to confirm that CELL also has cradle to cradle certification so the product is not only interesting and different but is also very much in line with sustainability strategies.

In summary, we love what Dynamobel has done, creating a desk concept that serves the modern workplace, which demands greater freedom and flexibility, and furniture that works harder and smarter than ever before. These desks easily flex to receive other colleagues in the short term and, with the addition of further cells, in the long term too.

As the names suggests, this range is destined to stimulate and support organic networks within an office. It encourages mutual inspiration and sparks creativity by quite literally bringing people together, without compromising on working space or privacy.

Check out this dynamic, collaborative work system here or watch the explanatory video here.



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